John wick 2 movie watch stream
John wick 2 movie watch stream

Reeves was 49 in this film and still convincing as an ass kicker. Rather, if I had my choice of an alternative, I would delve further into the Japanese gangster genre and extract Chow Yun-fat. Statham will always remind me of the character he played in Snatch, which was not at all overly menacing or intimidating. There was something quietly instance about Reeves that made you feel that he was one not to be trifled with. This would have been right up Jason Statham's alley, however there is nothing more he could have added to it. He was pretty much perfect for this part if I had been for some reason been asked to recast this film, I would be hard pressed to find a better fit. While Keanu sold the action pieces well, he wasn't asked to do too much to stretch his stoic emotional range, which is just what the film required.

john wick 2 movie watch stream

I came to terms with the stylistic choice made for this film as it reminded me so much of Eastern influences, in this case it was reminiscent of Zen ink and brush compositions, where the sharpness lies in where the brush first touches down and the edges disappear into an almost mist like effect. Normally this would annoy me slightly, and I suppose still did, as I am a big fan of depth of field, mise–en–scènes set ups (Citizen Kane is one of my favorite films). At first I thought maybe this was the projector in the theater but then I realized it was a choice made for the film. One stylistic element that jumped out at me right away was the choice to go with a narrow scope of field for focus. It was 75% Japanese yakuza film, 20% Film Noir, and 5% video game. If I was going to break down the film's format, well it is of the "semi-generic Punisher type, ex bad ass comes out of retirement to take on other bad asses" type variety. This left the film's action scenes clean, realistic, to the point, and a hell of a lot of fun to watch. Also familiarity with Reeves likely left the directors with a base knowledge with how far they could push the star. This resulted in a lot of practical effects instead of heavy reliance on green screen. The movie had two ex-stunt men (one of which was Keanu Reeves' former stunt double) helming this film. However I kept hearing about how this was a bit of a throw back of an action movie and upon reading the connection between the director and Keanu, I thought I would have to put aside my preconceived notions and give this movie a shot.

john wick 2 movie watch stream

John Wick had been out awhile and at first I had little interest in seeing it as, for me, Keanu Reeves is generally whatever the opposite of a selling point is.

John wick 2 movie watch stream